Want to honor Father’s Day? Fund child care

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Earlier this year, we visited a child care center in downtown Los Angeles — reading a well-thumbed copy of “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!” to a class of giddy preschoolers.

While the kids were enjoying story time, the anxiety of the adults lining the room was plain to see. These parents and early educators know how thoroughly our child care system is failing young learners and their families.

For millions of Americans, a quality early education means brutal financial sacrifices. Right now, four in ten families are taking on debt just to cover the costs of child…

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CALQUENCE ® (acalabrutinib) plus chemoimmunotherapy reduced the risk of disease progression or death by 27% vs. standard of care in patients with untreated mantle cell lymphoma in ECHO Phase III trial
The biology of fatherhood